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Vous ne devez pas toujours nous croire sur parole, vous trouverez ci-dessous un certain nombre de cas de bonnes pratiques d'organisations qui ont utilisé Skipr pour transformer leurs politiques de mobilité.

At Luminus, 1000+ employees have received the option to use a more flexible and sustainable commuting solution with Skipr!

After 8 months - 600 employees activated their account in order to make their commuting more sustainable!
The perfect example of how employers can reduce their CO2 emissions while enhancing employee well being!
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Elia's 2 main reasons for implementing the Mobility Budget: have a carbon-free commuting by 2025 and attract the best talents in their company!

Check out this inspiring video where André Emmanuel Simonart explains how Elia offers green and flexible mobility to its employees with the help of Skipr!Being competitive on today’s market and offering flexibility is key during this war on talent. Elia managed to do so while minimizing the workload for the hr department.
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20 % of new employees at Carrefour Belgium go for the mobility budget!

Watch this great video where Damien Van der Stichele (Director Total Rewards) explains how they offer flexible and sustainable mobility to their employees with Skipr and MyMove!
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Here's a great mobility interview where Virginie Huot explains how Alten offers flexible and sustainable mobility to employees!

A concrete example of how employers can reduce their CO2 emissions while enhancing their employee's well being!
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